Finalmente i cacciatori accaniti di platini potranno iniziare a preparare le loro strategie per affrontare tutti gli ostacoli e guadagnarsi il loro ennesimo trofeo di platino !
Di seguito la lista di trofei rilasciata :
Bronze Trophies
- Ready for Battle - Complete weapons training in Prologue
- In Your Face - First Brutal Melee
- No Witnesses - Destroy all dropships in Broken Highway
- Mopping Up - Kill 40 or more Helghast foot soldiers in Senlin Beach
- Sawn Off - Destroy all chasing APCs in Senlin Beach
- Smoking Wrecks - Destroy all tanks in Senlin Beach
- Turn the Tables - Kill a Capture Trooper using melee
- Spiky Personality - Kill a Helghast by shooting a Burster Plant in Jungle Valley
- Minigunned - Destroy all targets while on the Intruder in Frozen Shores
- Quick Exit - Escape the oil rig quickly in Frozen Shores
- Shattered - Destroy all glass in the labs in Stahl Arms South
- Pinpoint - Kill the Heavy with an StA-14 in Blind Yards
- Evening the Odds - Kill 500 Helghast
- Cagefighter - Kill 10 Helghast using Brutal Melee
- Frag Out- Kill 3 Helghast with 1 Frag Grenade
- One Each - Kill 3 Helghast with the Shotgun Pistol – no reloads
- Eagle Eye - Every Sniper Rifle bullet is a kill – no reloads
- Power Spike - Nail a Helghast to an exploding object
- Up Close & Personal - Brutal Melee another player
- Team Player - Play a match as a part of a squad
- Medic! - Revive another player
- Handy Man - Repair an object
- Now You See Me - Kill using Cloak
- Spy Game - Kill using Disguise
- Turf War - Capture a Tactical Spawn Point
Silver Trophies
- Now it's Personal - Kill 1,000 Helghast
- Fight to the Last - Kill 1,500 Helghast
- Close Quarters Killer - Kill 25 Helghast with Brutal Melee
- Hand to Hand Master - Kill 50 Helghast with Brutal Melee
Gold Trophies
- Victory - Complete Campaign on Elite
- Grand Slam - Win a match in 3 multiplayer modes
Quanto tempo pensate che ci metteranno i nostri platinatori di fiducia a completare tutti i trofei e ad ottenere il loro premio più bramato !?
Orignal From: Killzone 3 - ecco la lista dei trofei !
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